
5 Pillars of Purpose

We all have our current life which is us and everything in our lives currently. It is what we know at this moment in time. The relationships, the health, the career, the moving pieces of lives.
We seek a “desired life.” A life that is more abundant in all aspects. Tony has spent his whole life in the discovery of those teachings, modalities, and activities to activate others to that desired life. The 5 Pillars of Purpose is the blueprint to connect to this higher place. What you need to add...what you need to remove...the exact actions needed to bridge that gap from what we know presently to what we seek. This is the first big step to MASTERY!

In this program you will learn some of the topics mentioned below and so much more!

  • Honoring your temple
  • Habitat and habits
  • Higher self-creating momentum through gratitude
  • Relationships, love, professional and personal balance                       
  • Your superhero tools
  • Environmental Cleaning 
  • Meditation
  • The forgiveness frequency
  • Daily regime
  • Higher frequency
  • Activating your mojo...and so much more...

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