For over 3 decades Tony has worked with a variety of companies and has personally built an organization that has done over 454 million in sales. Small businesses, foundations, universities, and Fortune 500 companies have used Tony to empower their organizations. He has traveled the globe to learn different modalities that when implemented will cause instant and permanent change in every individual.
As a certified clinical hypnotherapist for over a decade, he understands how the mind is wired for change and massive expansion if the right elements are in place. In order to create dramatic results, you must combine different elements and “tingle” all the senses. He has discovered the pattern and is sharing it with the world. Tony is one of the most versatile speakers and trainers available today. Whether you need Tony in front of thousands of people or in a very intimate high-level round table environment, he will bring value that will guarantee results!
For over 25 years Tony has been on stage as an entertainer (comedy hypnotist), speaker, professional musician, trainer, and teacher. His passion is to deliver relatable messages with a different energy than anyone before him or currently. He is a student of life and his experience working with the likes of John C. Maxwell and other mentors have put him in a very unique space. He is not one-dimensional, but one of the most "energetic" and versatile speakers today. His specialty is the ability to connect deeply to his audience. Simply, Tony is a master "enter-trainer, combining entertainment and powerful current messages.
His mission is to educate, activate and unveil the “next action steps” for his clients. Inspire and engage your team by having Tony at your next event. When the student is ready the teacher will appear and right now the students are restless!
If You've Got Questions... Let's Connect!